Intrapreneurship Programs
Certified Financial Specialist
Area 1: Evaluate Financial Statements
- Importance of Accounting Concepts
- 3 pillars of Finance Transformation
- Capital Expenses and Income vs Revenue expenses and income
- 4 analytical techniques
- liquidity of current assets
Area 2: Understanding the cash flow statements
- Components of cash flow statement
- The purpose and layout of the cash flow statement
- Changes in assets, liabilities, equity affecting the cash flow statement
- How the sale of equipment affects the cash flow statement
- How cash flow statement is different from profit
- Analysing the cash flow statement
Area 3: Financial Ratio Analysis
- Net debt, debt/equity, debt/capital
- Working capital cycle – inventory days, receivable days, payable days
- Ageing of accounts receivable
- Balance sheet and income statement combined analysis
- Efficiency of use resources Return on equity, return on capital, capital structure
Area 4: Cost Information for decision making
- Cost concepts including marginal costing
- Make or buy decision
- Shut down or continue decision
- Sell or process further decision
- Cost audit analysis
- Domestic versus export sales
Area 5: Inventory Management
- Identify the goals and objectives of inventory management
- Calculate safety stock, reorder points and order quantities
- Evaluate inventory management systems
- Assess relevance of the different components of the inventory cycle
- ABC analysis of inventory items
- Buffer stock or just in time inventory management
Area 6. Budget and Budgetary Control
- Develop the appropriate techniques for effective budgeting as part of the planning process
- Forecast sales, revenue and costs using qualitative and quantitative techniques
- Develop and effectively control budgets
- Provide budgeting knowledge that can be shared for the benefit of the organization
- Budgetary control mechanism annd how it assists organization
- Variance analysis
Area 7: Working Capital Management
- Understanding of a company’s working capital structure
- Managing working capital to increase profits
- Enhance knowledge of working capital management policies
- Construct the new normal cash conversion cycle
- Linking working capital to the budgeting process and credit policy
- Working capital analysis for forecasting
Area 8: Evaluation of Investment Projects
- Importance of capital budgeting
- Approaches to capital budgeting
- Techniques of capital budgeting
- Practical application of net present value and internal rate of return
- features of capital budgeting decisions
- Ranking the investment projects
Area 9: Entrepreneurship in Action
- Characteristics and mind-set of entrepreneurs.
- Entrepreneurial mindset.
- Creativity and Innovation.
- Idea Generation, Screening & Selection
- Sources of entrepreneurial opportunities.
- Negotiation process.
- Dealing with difficult customers, reluctant suppliers, etc.