Intrapreneurship Programs
Certified Digital Marketing Specialist
Area 1:
Big Data Analytics Introduction To Big Data And HadoopHDFS(Hadoop Distributed File System)Map ReduceHadoop Eco SystemData Analytics with R
Area 2:
Business Intelligence General characteristics of business intelligence (BI)Data warehouse and data base management Business analytics and dataVisualizationData mining (DM)Business performance management, scorecards and dashboards Business intelligence as a main tool of competence Business intelligence as a main tool of competence Data mining applications in marketing and CRM (customer relationship Management)Neuronal networks and decision Trees
Area 3:
Applied Machine Learning Linear regression. Linear classification. Performance evaluation, overfitting, cross-validation, bias-variance analysis, error estimation.Naive Bayes.Decision trees, regression trees and ensemble methods.Support vector machines.Artificial neural networks and deep learning (e.g., RNNs and CNNs).Feature selection and dimensionality reduction. Semi-supervised learning.Generative models.
Area 4:
Predictive Model Predictive Analytics: Making Predictions Using Data Prescriptive Analytics: Application and Toolkit Tools for Decision Making Data to Predict Employee PerformanceProviding Recommendations to Change Behavior Determining the Most Favorable Outcomes
Area 5:
Multivariate Methods for Data Analysis Notions of linear algebra Review of univariate statistics Descriptive InferentialMultivariate Analysis Principal component analysisSVD of a data matrixLinear DiscriminationClassification Trees Hierarchical ClusteringK-means ClusteringMultidimensional Scaling
Area 6 :
Tableau I Connecting to data Analysis: Creating view & Analyzing Calculated field & Formatting Developing dashboards Creating Visualizations & Simplifying and Sorting Your Data Organizing & Slicing your DataViewing Specific Values
Area 7: Tableau II
Advanced table calculations Level of detail expressions Using Multiple Measures on the Same AxisMapping Data GeographicallyAdvanced chart typesAdvanced dashboard techniquesCustomizing your DataInstalling and Configuring Tableau ServerTableau Server Administration
Area 8:
Post-Solution AnalysisDecision SweepingParameter SweepingBuilding your CorpusMultiattribute Utility ModelingData Envelopment AnalysisImpact and response