Intrapreneurship Programs
Certified Cyber Security Specialist
Area 1: Information and Network Security
- Secure Network Communication
- Routing Security
- Denial Service Attack
- Trustworthy Computing
- Anonymity
- Interception Attacks
- DNS Poisoning
- ARP Poisoning
- Voip/SIP Security
- Cell Phone Security
Area 2: Virus removal and protection
- Online threat basic
- Common internet dangers
- What is Spyware?
- Anatomy of a virus
- Introduction to exploit
- Buffer overflow attacks
- Integer overflow attacks
Area 3: Cryptography Part 1
- Principles of cryptography
- Confidentiality, integrity, non – repudiation, data original
- Steganography
- Cryptanalysis
- Block abd stream chippers
- Feistel networks
- S-Boxes
- Data encryption Standard (AES)
- Virtual Private Networks
- Certification Authorities
- Triple DES (3DES)
Area 4: Cryptography Part II
- Government Access to keys (GAK)
- Data Encryption Standard (DES)
- Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
- Rivest Shamir Adleman (RSA)
- Cryptography tools
- Email encryption
- Disk encryption
- Cryptanalysis
- Defend against cryptographic attacks
Area 5: Ethical Hacking
- Demo of aspen and iLabs
- Essential Terminology
- Elements of Information Security
- Top Information Security attack vectors
- Information security threat categories
- Types of attack on a system
- Penetration testing
- Blue Teaming/ Red teaming
- Scope and limitations of ethical hacking
- Skills of an ethical hacker
- Payment card industry data security standard (PCI-DSS)
- Sarbaneses Oxley Act (SOX)
- The digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA)
- Federal Information Security Management (FISMA)
Area 6: Malware
- Different Ways Of Malware Can Get Into A System
- Common Techniques Attackers Use To Distribute Malware
- How Hackers Use Trojans
- Common Ports Used By Trojon
- How To Infect Systems Using A Trojan
- Wrappers
- How Attackers Deploy A Trojan
- Evading Antivirus Techniques
- Stages Of Virus Life
- Malware Analysis
- Countermeasures
- Malware Penetration Testing
Area 7: SQL Injection
- SQL Injection and Server side technologies
- Understanding HTTP post request
- Web app vulnerable to SQL Injection
- SQL injection methodology
- SQL injection tools
- Evading IDS
- How to defend against SQL injection attacks?
Area 8: Sniffing
- Sniffing Concepts
- Sniffing Techniques- MAC Attacks
- Sniffing Techniques – DHCP Attacks
- Sniffing Techniques – DNS Poisoning
- Sniffing Tools
- How To Defend Against Sniffing
- Sniffing Detection Techniques
Area 9: Entrepreneurship in Action
- Characteristics and mind-set of entrepreneurs.
- Entrepreneurial mindset.
- Creativity and Innovation.
- Idea Generation, Screening & Selection
- Sources of entrepreneurial opportunities.
- Negotiation process.
- Dealing with difficult customers, reluctant suppliers, etc.